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Consider the expense of real fur coats.
Some real fur coats can be quite expensive.

When you’re thinking about all the types of fur coats, many people often think about the cost first and foremost. They may fear buying a real fur coat because they are afraid of how much it will cost in the end. While you can find real fur coats in Dallas at a reasonable rate, there are some fur coats that cost a lot of money. Even if you can’t afford to buy the most expensive coat on the market, it can be fun to have a look and see what kinds of options there are.

Chinchilla Fur

If you ask someone which types of fur coats they imagine to be the  most expensive, a lot of people would argue mink is the most expensive. However, this isn’t typically the case. In fact, chinchilla fur is often one of the most expensive options you can choose for your next fur coat for a number of reasons. One of the biggest reasons for this is the size of the animal and the difficulty many furriers have in matching the furs exactly. Chinchillas often have unusual breeding patterns because of their monogamous relationships. Animal rights activists have also made it difficult to harvest these furs, making it one of the costliest options.

Sable Fur

For similar reasons, the sable fur coat can also be one of costliest options. With the various color patterns, it can be difficult to get a uniform look for any coat, which means using more fur and requiring more patience to get the exact finished look. A real fur coat made from sable may look amazing, but you can expect to spend a lot of money on it. The good news is it is often a great investment because it will likely last into the next generation, allowing you to pass down a valuable heirloom your family can enjoy.

Ermine Fur

Another lesser known option for expensive furs is ermine. This type of fur coat has a long history of use among royalty, which is part of the reason for its high cost today. However, when it was previously used for a coronation, it was often embroidered in gold. This greatly increased its value at that time. Today, you are unlikely to find fur coats made from ermine that exhibit the same gold embroidery.

Other Factors Matter

It isn’t just the price of the fur that matters when it comes to real fur coats. In fact, the other materials that go into making a coat can have a major impact on its overall price. For instance, silk is commonly used on the inside of the coat to provide a lining and to help protect the underside of the leather found under the fur. While some real fur coats in Dallas may use other materials, if you are buying a fur coat made with pure silk, you can expect the price of that coat to be significantly higher. However, it isn’t just the use of real silk; it can also be affected by the type of silk worm from which the silk was created. Talk to your furrier about the options before you make a purchase.

The Most Expensive Fur Coats

If you want to feel better about the price of your fur coat, looking at the most expensive real fur coat in the world can help set your mind at ease. Sometimes it takes a little perspective to ensure you aren’t spending too much and you are getting value for your money. In 2015, Fendi celebrated 50 years in the fashion business. At this time, the company revealed a real fur coat that cost upwards of one-million Euros. This fur coat was made from sable, which is listed above as one of the most expensive options available. Not only is it made from sable, but it is sable from one of the rarest of all creatures from which this type of fur is harvested.

Buying a real fur coat may seem like a large expense and it often is. However, when you look at the bigger picture, you may see there are much more expensive options than the real fur coats in Dallas you may be considering. We carry a vast array of fur coats at a variety of price points so you can be sure to find one you can afford that will fit with your sense of style.

If you’re looking for the best real fur coats in Dallas, contact us. We carry a vast selection of the finest furs, all in various types of fur coats for every need.