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Choose from a variety of types of fur coats.
There are many types of fur coats from which to choose.

One of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is what type of fur you would like to wear. While many people are aware of some of the most popular types of fur coats, such as mink and fox, there are a vast array of options, each of which offers its own list of advantages and a different look. If you’re considering taking the next step and investing in a luxurious fur coat that helps you look stylish and stay comfortable too, understanding the different options can help you narrow down your choices and make the perfect selection to meet your needs and your expectations.


Perhaps one of the most sought after options is the mink fur coat. This type of fur is known to be incredibly soft and provides the luxurious feel most people think of when they hear the term fur coats. Because of the desire for these fur coats, it can also be one of your most expensive options, though it is well worth the cost when you realize the level of luxury and warmth it exudes. With its long hair, many people love the run their hands through mink, making it a popular choice for many, despite its high cost.


Another popular type of fur for fur coats is the fox fur coat. This fur is available in a variety of colors, not just the red fox with which many people are most familiar. In addition to red, you can expect to find shades of gray, white, silver and even blue. This fur often provides a more luxurious feel than many other types of fur, allowing for a soft touch. Fox is often the top choice when it comes to trimming coats, including cuffs and collars.


Many people don’t think about rabbit fur when they’re considering which fur coats to buy. However, this fur can be an excellent addition to any wardrobe. This medium-length fur comes in a number of neutral colors, including white, gray and brown, and can provide an incredible level of warmth. It is often ultra-soft to the touch and creates a beautiful textured look. Rex rabbit fur is one of the most popular options in this category.


Perhaps one of the most underused types of fur, lamb can provide a short, curly look you can’t get from many other types of furs. Sometimes used as accents on other types of fur coats, as well as on leather, calgon lamb fur stands apart from all the rest because of its unique look and feel. Lamb has quickly climbed up in popularity because of its luxe and its affordability in contrast to other furs.


The chinchilla is an animal many people aren’t familiar with, but their fur can be the perfect option for fur coats. Just like mink, this type of fur is incredibly soft to the touch and exudes a sense of elegance many other furs can’t match. This fur is available in shades of gray and slate blue, creating a visual effect no other fur can replicate. This beautiful addition to your fur wardrobe offers a beauty all its own.


When you choose beaver for your fur coats, you are choosing a versatile option that looks great when used in a number of ways. Some people love the look of natural beaver fur, with its long guard hairs and luxurious look. However, another popular choice among beaver fans is sheared beaver. Cutting away the long outer hairs leaves behind a soft, luxurious short fur that looks great and feels soft too.


A prized fur from Russia, sable fur isn’t a common choice, but it can offer some amazing benefits. This silky fur is more difficult to find, which means it will typically have a higher price tag. However, the soft, luxurious feel, along with the unique brown color with silver highlights, makes this type of coat a welcome change from the other types of fur coats on the market.

There seems to be an endless number of types of fur coats from which you can choose. For most people, there is no right or wrong answer for choosing a comfortable, stylish fur coat. The bottom line is finding a color, along with an overall style, that appeals to your sense of fashion.

If you’re looking for the best fur coats, contact us. Morris Kaye & Sons Furs offers a vast selection of fur coats in a variety of types and styles to best suit your sense of style.