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how to wear real furEven the most die-hard fashion enthusiasts feel the urge to switch things up now and then. Some choose to add new colors to their wardrobe. Others decide to experiment with patterns, different types of accessories or the way their clothes fit and hang from their bodies. Some people might decide texture is the best option for them to experiment with, and so they decide to play around with different fabrics than they usually wear. In many cases, this is when people decide to start wearing fur apparel. However, this can be a daunting task! There’s a lot to learn about how to wear real fur, and so many different types of apparel that many beginners aren’t quite sure where to start. Do you purchase a fur coat first, or something simpler, like a handbag or a hat? In this blog, we’ll give a few beginner’s tips on how to wear real fur easily and stylishly.

Layer Fur Jackets Over Your Casual Wear

One of the best ways to get started with wearing fur apparel is by treating it just like you would any other accessory in your wardrobe. There’s a common misconception that fur apparel is only meant for elegant formal gatherings and doesn’t have much of a place in everyday wear. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Fur goes excellently with most casual styles; it all just depends on how you wear your fur, rather than when you wear it.

Consider your nicest casual outfits. This may be a simple dress, or a cute top and jeans complemented by a pair of heels. You can easily debut a new fur jacket or coat by laying it on top of this kind of outfit. For best results, we recommend layering your fur over more form-fitting outfits. The majority of fur coats and jackets fit more loosely on the body, which will create a nice contrast with form-fitting clothing. Feel free to add other accessories as well to really complement your look!

Take Color Into Consideration

When it comes to how to accessorize with real fur, you should never forget to consider color. This is just as important to wearing fur accessories as it is to creating outfits with any other type of clothing. There are two main ways to approach incorporating colored furs into your wardrobe:

  • Wear matching or similar colors. For instance, you could wear a dress and fur coat, jacket or vest in the same shade of green. Alternatively, your fur could be a deep emerald green while your dress is a lighter, more desaturated shade of green.

  • Create contrast! A black ensemble with a pure white coat or jacket is never a bad look.

We hope this quick guide has given you a few ideas to consider when it comes to fur styling in Dallas and San Antonio. Don’t forget that the Morris Kaye & Sons team is always here to help you with your fur-related needs. Contact us to learn more about our services and even sample our current inventory.