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how to take care of real furIt’s common knowledge that owning vintage fur coats involves a little more work than wearing them, hanging them up and keeping them clean. Fur apparel is notoriously fragile, especially as it ages! If you want to keep your fur coat in good condition, you’ll have to not only know about basic care, but also how to handle some of the more common mishaps that come with owning any sort of clothing. While stains, tears and other hazards can mess with the condition of your fur coat, they aren’t nearly as devastating once you know what steps to take to correct these issues. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the easiest and best ways to fix vintage fur coats following an accident.

Adding New Hooks

Hooks are an important part of hanging and storing vintage fur coats, but they can start to tear off over time. Should you notice this happening, your main options are to either reattach the old hook before it falls off completely, or to buy brand new hooks and sew them on. You can easily obtain fresh fabric hooks at any store that stocks crafting supplies. To put on the new hooks (or reattach the old ones), you’ll need basic sewing skills at minimum. There is the risk of getting the fur caught on or against the hook as you sew, so be attentive as you affix the hook to your fur coat.

Sewing Up Tears

As your fur ages, it may become more easily susceptible to tears. Knowing how to take care of these tears if and when they happen is another important part of how to take care of real fur. All you need for this form of repair is a needle and thread. Work carefully and try to space your stitches as closely together as possible. This will make the repair stronger. Sometimes the ripped area may still seem weak even after sewing. If this is the case, you should add a piece of leather to the area and secure it with a bit of glue.

As you work, be sure to keep the needle and thread away from the borders of the coat. Your threadwork can easily come apart here.

Tightening the Pelts

The vast majority of fur coats are made from multiple pelts from the same type of animal. These pelts may begin to come apart over time, especially as vintage fur coats continue to get older. Just as with the above two problems, you can fix pelts that are coming apart with a needle, thread and basic sewing skills. Be careful with the fur attached to the pelt. If you don’t pay close enough attention, you risk ensnaring some of the fur. The edges of the pelt will require whip stitching so they can be properly secured.

If you find your fur coat needs more extensive repair than you can provide, you’ll need to turn to the services of a professional furrier. Our team at Morris Kaye Furs in San Antonio and Dallas can point you in the right direction. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you take great care of your vintage fur coats!