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vintage fur coatsMaintaining an interest in the fur fashion industry can be something of a consuming hobby. Not only are there all sorts of real fur accessories to purchase, but there is also a wealth of history surrounding the industry that is well worth exploring. Many fur enthusiasts realize they’ve only brushed the surface when it comes to their knowledge of how the industry functions and just how long it has thrived within society.

At Morris Kaye and Sons, we know the industry like the backs of our hands. We’ve worked in it, lived it and loved it for decades, and we regularly conduct research so that we are able to stay in the know regarding our field of expertise and passion. We care about you, our customer base, just as much as we do every other facet of the fur fashion world. That’s why, in this blog, we would like to share with you some of the best and most significant facts about the fur industry.

Fur Farmers Must Answer and Adhere to Local Departments of Agriculture

Fur farming is considered to be just as valid within the agricultural sector as any other type of farming. As such, most state agricultural departments have set regulations for fur farms to follow. More specifically, fur farmers must take on the full brunt of each animal’s care and make sure they are treated humanely. Fur farmers also adhere to guidance from the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association).

The Fur Industry Has Grown Considerably Over Recent Decades

There are far more designers choosing to create real fur accessories than there were in past decades. In fact, now there are more than 400 designers (and counting!) working on creating the fur apparel you know and love today. Back in the year 1985, there were just a mere 42 fashion designers on hand. The number of people who made what are now today’s vintage fur coats could have been an even smaller amount!

Fur Farms Produce Around 85 Percent of the Fur Used to Create Modern Apparel

Fur farms are built to be able to raise and house thousands of minks and other animals, which means they also produce thousands of fur pelts each year. 10 percent of the world’s fur farms sit within the North American content, while another 58 percent are scattered across Europe. Russia, China and Argentina are other noteworthy sites for fur farming.

Most Fur Outlets Are Small Companies and Businesses

You may find that much of the shops selling real fur accessories are smaller and family-owned, just like ours. The number of small retailers selling fur sits approximately at 85 percent of all fur retailers.

Russia Used to Lead the Global Fur Industry

If you look at most vintage fur coats, you may find that a good deal of them were produced in Russia. While this isn’t the case today, at one time Russia produced almost half of the world’s fur apparel; fashion historians tally up a specific rate of 40 percent. In fact, back during the days of the USSR, most countries looked to Russia to provide them with fox, sable and mink apparel.

Of course, there’s a lot more information out there about the fur industry (and fur styling in Dallas and San Antonio) than we’ve presented here! Contact us to learn more about fur apparel and maybe even select a new piece for your wardrobe.