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Knitted Rabbit Jacket with Fringes
Fur Coats
Fur coats require proper cleaning to ensure they last.

Keeping your natural furs clean will ensure your fur coats and other fur accessories stay looking their best. Natural fur doesn’t last as long as faux fur, especially when you don’t take the time to learn how to care for them properly. The way in which you care for your real furs will vary, making it essential to determine what you must do to protect them. Professional cleaning is often needed, but there are things you can do to keep your furs looking their best without damaging them.

Remove Larger Particles

Removing any larger particles from your fur coats is the first step in the cleaning process. In some cases, simply shaking out your furs is enough to remove the larger particles. However, if you notice that some particles are still in the hairs, you may wish to brush out the coat with your fingers to remove anything that is entwined a little deeper in the hairs.

Consider a Cleaning Spray

There are some cleaning sprays that are designed to freshen up fur coats in between professional cleanings. If you use one of these sprays, hang up your coat in an open area and spray it gently with the spray. Don’t saturate any single area of the coat. These products often come with a special pad for wiping the fur. Use this pad and wipe in the natural direction of the hairs to remove any dirt. Once the coat dries in 30 minutes to an hour, brush the fur out and hang it back up in your closet.

Keep It Dry

Despite what you may think, you can wear your fur coats when it is raining or snowing outside. The water itself won’t harm your fur coat. It is how you handle a wet coat that will make a difference. Never use a heat source directly on the coat, including a hair dryer or a clothes dryer. Instead, hang the coat up away from direct sunlight and allow it to dry naturally. If it is moderately wet, shake it out before hanging it up.

Get Professional Help

A professional cleaning is essential to ensure the longevity of your fur coats. A professional furrier should offer these services individually and as part of their storage services. They use special cleaning processes that utilize a dry powder that removes any smaller particles and keeps your coat looking like new. This type of cleaning is not required on a regular basis, but should be done about once a year, typically when you place your coat into storage.

Keeping your real fur coats and fur accessories clean will ensure the fur remains in good condition and lasts a long time. Furs cost a lot of money and need to be treated with the utmost in care to protect that investment. If you want your fur coat to last long enough to pass down to future generates, this proper care is essential.

If you are interested in getting a professional cleaning for your fur coat, contact us. We offer professional cleaning and storage services for all your furs.